Townforge/Monero merge mining pool

Currently in TESTING mode. All Townforge gold mined here is TESTNET. Pool will restart regularly.

Townforge is a fork of Monero, with a builtin multiplayer city building game. All game actions are performed by on chain transactions, making it a fully decentralized game where you can earn cryptocurrency by playing. 3D voxel world on Linux/Windows/Mac.

>> Help

>> How to mine ?

This pool allows you to mine both Townforge and Monero at the same time with no extra energy expenditure. Just point your miner (eg, xmrig) at the pool port as you'd do with any other pool. The only difference is that you can append a Townforge address to your Monero address, with a / separator, eg:

xmrig --keepalive --coin monero -o -u 4xxxx/TF1M....

You can also set just a Monero address or just a Townforge address, if you want to mine a single chain.

Note that merge mining links your Townforge and Monero addresses. If this is a problem for you, use a subaddress you only use for mining.

>> How to create a Townforge address ?

Download and extract the game for your platform (or build from source).

Run the game, then click on "No wallet ?" on the main screen. Select a filename for your new wallet, and a password. You now have a Townforge wallet address.

>> When does my pending balance increase ?

Both Monero and Townforge blocks mature after 60 blocks. For Monero, this is two hours. For Townforge, half an hour. Your pending balance will increase when blocks you helped mine mature. When your pending balance reaches the payout threshold, your balance will be sent to your wallet the next time the payment job runs, which is several times per hour.

>> How does the variable fee work ?

In order to disincentivize a single pool having a majority of the network hash rate, the pool fee will increase when the share of the pool grows beyond 40% of that network's hash rate, up to a maximum of 2% if the pool reaches 100% of the network hash rate.

The pool's share of the network hash rate is determined by how many of the last 60 mature Townforge or Monero blocks were found by the pool, and Townforge and Monero have independent pool fees.

Pool hashrate:
Last template:
Pool port:
Payouts: PPLNS
Network hashrate:
Network height:
Block reward:
Blocks found:
Last block found:
Round hashes:
Pool fee:
Payment threshold:
Miners connected:
Network hashrate:
Network height:
Block reward:
Blocks found:
Last block found:
Round hashes:
Pool fee:
Payment threshold:
Miners connected:

Hash rate

Pending balance

(?) Maturity delay: 60 blocks


Hashes submitted

Projected income
